/ domm

My personal twitter. Via an irssi plugin I can post messages directly from IRC to this microblog, without having to rely on shady startups that get too much attention. I'm a hacker, I roll my own.

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If there was an Emmy for Outstanding Plot Holes, it would definitely go to Revolution
27.11.2012 21:16:03
released DBIx::SchemaChecksum 1.001 just in time for tomorrows talk at APW2012: https://metacpan.org/release/DOMM/DBIx-SchemaChecksum-1.001
15.11.2012 18:31:49
wow, mein twitter ist voller "yeah, obama!". Find ich auch. Und es zeigt gut meine Internet-Bubble...
07.11.2012 08:35:31
yay, sodarad featured on bikesnob: http://bikesnobnyc.blogspot.com/2012/09/no-future-if-wishes-were-cockpits.html
20.09.2012 08:31:17
for those whom even a fixie has to many parts: http://www.bicymple.com/
15.09.2012 14:06:19
weil mich wiedermal mein ruecken plagt, probier ich mal "coding while standing"
13.09.2012 09:03:48
hilarious bikesnob post today: http://bikesnobnyc.blogspot.com/2012/09/beaten-into-submission-making-it-yours.html
10.09.2012 22:03:27
Petition gegen Einstellung des U-Ausschusses: http://www.avaaz.org/de/petition/Korruption_muss_untersucht_werden_bis_zum_Schluss_bis_ganz_nach_oben
06.09.2012 14:32:04
since monday, I'm no longer father of two kids, but of two teenagers #oldpeopleproblems
30.08.2012 00:01:38
29.08.2012 14:15:13