/ domm

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I want not one thing on this feature list https://www.amazon.com/b?ie=UTF8&node=14047587011 (and am afraid of a few..)
03.03.2016 16:03:09
".. you are infinitely better off writing code than metadata .." http://www.infoq.com/articles/no-more-mvc-frameworks
16.02.2016 11:13:29
"Corporations .. suck money out of our economy and store it in the fat of share price" http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/feb/12/digital-capitalism-douglas-rushkoff
14.02.2016 12:10:15
I really like the tone of the bullet points etc on http://phabricator.org/
12.02.2016 10:33:36
This looks interesting (esp. since sites start to block UAs with ad-blockers): https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts
12.02.2016 10:19:54
things I never wanted to learn #226: how good our DB-backup restore workflow really works
10.02.2016 18:47:56
things I never wanted to learn about #225: =VLOOKUP(SearchCriterion; Array; Index; SortOrder) in libreoffice
07.02.2016 23:01:25
It's nice to have a legitimate-enough reason to name a variable (short for 'source_field_data', in a tightly scoped loop)
28.01.2016 11:01:41
things I never wanted to learn about #224: ftps (which is NOT sftp)
20.01.2016 18:02:33
Advantage of playing vinyl vs mp3s when working: You're forced to take a short break every ~20m to flip the record
14.01.2016 11:24:32