My Perl-job-offer reply

Today I (and apparently a lot of other CPAN authors) got an email containing a job offer (slightly dubious, but that's not the point of this post). As I am currently not looking for work, and before realizing the SPAMness of the mail, I send them my standard (as of a few weeks ago) reply:

Thanks for the offer, but I'm currently already fully booked for the foreseeable future. But I forwarded your mail to, our local Perl Mongers group.

If you're looking for Perl experts, you might also want to consider sponsoring a Perl event. Some events even host a job fair where potential employers can present themselves and the job(s) they offer. A good list of upcoming events is published here:

And / or post a job offer on . This site is the first stop for experienced Perl developers looking for a job.

I think it makes a lot of sense to alert potential employers of the possibility to sponsor a Perl event (YAPC, workshop, hackathon, ..) as a means to get potential employees. And it's quite astounding how many companies still don't know about

If you're also getting Perl job offers that you're not inclined to take, maybe consider sending a similar reply - who knows, you may have found a nice new sponsor for an upcoming Perl event...