
Tonight we had our first TechMeet of 2019. There was a slight focus on parsing: Daxim talked about "Parsen mit Perl", in preparation for his talk at the German Perl Workshop. Robert also talked about parsing, showing us some parsers he wrote using Parse::Yapp and Parse::RecDescent. Throughout the talks we had interesting discussions about parsing, lexing, grammars, syntax, semantics etc. Quote of the day (by Daxim): "At the end you don't get a parse-tree, but a parse-forest"0

I also did a β-version of a talk I will do at the German Perl Workshop, Was ich beim Advent of Code 2018 gelernt habe ("Things I learned at the Advent of Code 2018"). The slides are not done (enough) yet, I'll release them at the German Perl Workshop. But people seemed to have enjoyed it...

I also (finally) ran our script to calculate meeting dates, with the following results:

  • Mon, 2019-01-28 @ Metalab (actually we should have had this meeting last week, but we're lazy humans...)
  • Tue, 2019-02-19
  • Wed, 2019-03-20
  • Thu, 2019-04-18
  • Fri, 2019-05-17 - KAMEL-Grillen
  • Mon, 2019-06-17
  • Tue, 2019-09-17
  • Wed, 2019-10-16
  • Thu, 2019-11-21
  • Fri, 2019-12-20

We (well, Daxim and me) discussed some "Verein" interna (Generalversammlung) and made plans for a slightly bigger event in November (not an Austrian Perl Workshop...)

And that was this month's meeting!


0 See here for the source of this quote (via daxim/IRC)