sufficient advanced technology

I'm currently sitting in a hospital in Vienna, recovering from a nasal septum operation. Currently, I can not breath at all through my nose (due to dressings in my nose), but in a few days I should be finally able to get enough air through my nose. Until now, if I was kidnapped and gagged, I would have suffocated after a few minutes because of my skewd nasal septum and some other obstacles in my nose, which now have been removed.

Anyway, regarding the subject: I'm typing this in my laptop (yes, I'm such a geek that I brought by laptop into hospital, though I do not take it with me when I shower...), I'm connected to the net via a cardbus UMTS card (thanks to koki for lending it to me). Magic!

But the doctors also do some nice magic. A few minutes before my operation, I had a short conversation with the anesthesiologist. I asked him if he was going to put me to sleep now, he said: "Yes, choose a nice dream", opened a ventil on my infusion thingy, and pooof, I was gone. More Magic.
