Space Invaders using Perl & SDL

If you've been at YAPC::Europe 2009 (or still are there...), I've probably shown you my still rather simple space invaders clone, which is totally boring besides the fact that it's written in Perl (and based on SDL). It's now on github: Please clone and patch!

BTW, if you want to try it out and have problems installing SDL from CPAN, try the most recent version from github, see


Legacy comments

Alias: Why isn't your game on the CPAN? (orignal post)

> cpan Game::PerlInvaders

Warning: Cannot install Game::PerlInvaders, don't know what it is.

domm: Re: (orignal post)

because I first need to tell Module::Build to install stuff (images) alongside code, and the wireless was/is flaky, and I was/am tired, and...

But it's going to be there real soon now (for values of soon